Bing Has Big August, Google Still in Control

According to recent figures released by Nielsen, Google remained atop the list of U.S. search providers in August, though Bing experienced huge month-over-month growth.

Google handled 7.0 billion searches in August, giving it 64.6 percent of the U.S. search market. This reflected 2.6 percent month-over-month growth.

Yahoo! remained in second place with 1.7 billion searches, giving it 16.0 percent of the search market, though this was a 4.2 percent month-over-month drop in its share.

MSN/Windows Live/Bing finished third, handling 1.2 billion searches in August, giving it 10.7 percent of the U.S. market. This reflected month-over-month growth of 22.1 percent, the largest of any of the top 10 search providers during the month.

AOL was fourth with 333.2 million searches, or 3.1 percent of the market, while was fifth with 186.3 million searches, or 1.7 percent of the U.S. search market in August.

My Web Search followed behind with 1.2 percent of the market, while Comcast finished the month with 0.5 percent of the market. Comcast experienced a 21.6 percent month-over-month decline, the largest of the top 10 search providers.

Yellow Pages (0.4 percent), NexTag (0.3 percent) and (0.2 percent) rounded out the list of the top 10 search providers in August, according to Nielsen MegaView Search.

A total of 10.8 billion queries were conducted in August, a 2.9 percent increase from the total in July.

“MegaView Search data – including total searches, unique searchers, search share, and all other search figures – cannot be trended with search results prior to June 2009 due to recent methodology changes,” Nielsen notes in its press release.

According to Net Applications, Google finished August with 75.87 percent of the U.S. search market, followed by Yahoo! with 11.75 percent.

Bing finished the month with 8.42 percent of the market, a noticeable boost from its 7.8 percent share in July, according to Net Applications.

AOL was fourth with 2.45 percent of the market, while was fifth with 0.90 percent of the search market in August.
