Billboard Bands Puts Offers on Wristbands

It’s all in the wrist for marketers eager to reach nightclub crowds.

A new service from Billboard Bands puts ads, tear-off coupons and barcodes for special offers on the ubiquitous wristbands that clubs use to identify patrons. Billboard Bands distributes about 1 million bands a month to 150 clubs in the top 20 markets.

Two campaigns are running this month: Skate- and surfboard maker GFH Boards give wristbands to targeted attendees at the The Sundance Film Festival for entry to V.I.P. events at Harry O’s dance club.

Meanwhile, a cause-marketing campaign for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria puts information on bracelets about the non-profit to build awareness of its fundraising campaign, “Hope Spreads Faster than AIDS.”

The Global Fund already has a friend in the music industry: U2 singer Bono supports The Global Fund through Product RED, a licensing business Bono co-founded to funnel contributions The Global Fund through the sale of licensed items from Gap, Apple, Motorola, Armani and Converse (PROMO January 2007).