August 22 – 24, 2016 | New York Hilton, NYC | www.B2BLeadsCon.com

Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities

Get in front of hundreds of high-level B2B Lead Gen decision makers at B2B LeadsCon– the B2B focused event within LeadsCon NY that specifically covers the unique challenges of the B2B Lead Gen Marketer.

Overall, LeadsCon NY & B2B LeadsCon NY attract more than 1,700 marketing professionals, of which approximately more than 300 register to attend the B2B conference track.

Lock in your choice early to ensure inclusion in early promotion and a prime exhibit location. Our unique sponsor & exhibit packages give you the opportunity to participate fully in the event and get you in front of hundreds of high-level decision makers.

You’ll meet the right people, leave with qualified prospects, and bring back new business.

Please fill out the information on the right to download the B2B LeadsCon 2016 Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities:

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Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities.