Articles by Chief Marketer Staff

In-house Ed at IBM

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

PERHAPS NOTHING symbolized the IBM of the past more than its fabled salesmen in the gray flannel suits. But since 1994 the old-line computer company has

Remembering Pete Hoke

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

NOT THAT HE needed any tributes from us, but direct marketers lost one of the best friends they ever had with the death of Pete Hoke in July.Pete cared

Teen Idol

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

HE'S YOUNG, GOOD-LOOKING and vicariously adored by approximately 4 million teenage girls. What more could Steve Kahn, the 33-year-old founder/CEO of Delia's

Agency Moves

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Lori Leiva named vp account director at Frankel & Co., Chicago. Also at the agency, Jon Ford named account director at Frankel Direct, and Jay Gaylen

On the Road Again

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

BOULDER, CO - Schwinn, the self-proclaimed American Classic, has sponsorship partners clinging to it like swarms of bees on a branch. Kraft Food's Tang