Articles by Chief Marketer Staff

Bean Sprouts Redesign

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

IN RESPONSE TO "sluggish sales and stiffer competition," apparel cataloger and retailer L.L. Bean is refining its catalog marketing operations and is

Cue the Postman…

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

FILM FANATICS may be looking forward to picking popcorn and gumdrops out of their hiking boots next month, but the directors of the 25th Telluride Film

Automobile Owners

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A NEW SURVEY of women who buy or lease cars indicates widespread disenchantment: Only 57% of the women polled by Good Housekeeping would choose the same

Virtual Relief

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

THE U.S. HOUSE of Representatives passed by a voice vote the Internet Tax Freedom Act, which would not only place a three-year moratorium on new Internet

The Xoom Boom

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

XOOM INC., San Francisco (, runs a Web community with a difference: Unlike most such communities, like GeoCities and Tripod, a large part