
  • Senate Investigates Nine Data Brokers

    Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, D-W. Va., opened up an investigation of nine data brokers’ practices on Wednesday. The Commerce Committee sent letters to nine information brokers: Acxiom, Experian, Equifax, Transunion, Epsilon, Reed Elsevier (Lexis-Nexis), Datalogix, Rapleaf and Spokeo. The investigation aims to understand their practices and the impact they have on consumers. “Because consumers […]

  • Email Newsletters and Social Posts/Updates Are the Most Effective Types of Content for Marketing

    According to a study from Outbrain and Econsultancy, 38 percent of in-house brand marketers have a defined content marketing strategy, while 55 percent don’t but are planning one. On the agency/consultant side, 13 percent say they do, while 58 percent say they don’t but are planning one, and 29 percent say they don’t and are […]

  • Users of Facebook’s Android App Can Buy Gifts from Birthday and Celebration Alerts

    Some users of Facebook’s Android mobile app are able to purchase gifts for friends from birthday or celebration alerts that will pop up atop their news feeds. This is a mobile promotion of Facebook Gifts for users in the Gifts Beta, and it will make its way to iOS in the coming weeks. Birthday and […]

  • Yahoo Loses More Search Engine Market Share as Google Gains in September

    According to comScore, Google finished September with 66.7 percent of the search engine market share, up from 66.4 percent in August. Bing finished second with 15.9 percent, unchanged from its mark in August. Meanwhile, Yahoo saw its search share finish at 12.2 percent, down from 12.8 percent in the prior month, its lowest share in […]

  • Local-Commerce Profile: Buildablock

    This continues our series of profiles of local-commerce companies. The purpose of these Q&A profiles is to give merchants, marketers and others in the industry a glimpse into what some deal providers out there are doing. These profiles are also meant to offer different outlooks on the future of the local-commerce industry. This week we’re […]

  • Converto Launches New Product to Help Attribute Social Media Activities

    Converto, an advertising analytics and optimization technology company, has just launched a new product that will help draw a direct line from things like Twitter streams, YouTube channels, Pinterest pins and Facebook activity to sales. The product will also track display advertising, paid search and other online ads. “The firm gave the example of a […]

  • Jetsetter Now Offers Daily Deals on Same-Day Hotel Bookings

    Jetsetter, a luxury-travel flash-sales website, has launched Jetsetter Now, an iPhone and iPad app that offers deals on same-day hotel bookings. Deals are sent to members at noon each day. New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Boston and Chicago are the seven cities that will receive Jetsetter Now deals to start. […]

  • Make the Most of Your Clicks: Three Tactics

    By Sam Sim, Co-Founder, Guppy Media

    It’s crucial for performance/direct-response-based marketing that you adequately and thoroughly manage your overall click-to-conversion rates and earnings per click (EPC). Oftentimes, advertisers and networks have a tendency to get frustrated when there are substantial clicks within a certain time period but the actual conversion rate of the CPA-paying campaign is minimal. In many cases, normally I would shut off all campaigns that retain an average EPC of less than $0.05. In these cases, several revenue-generating opportunities could and do exist. Here are a few tips to ensure that you are maximizing your revenue and overall eCPM by taking advantage of all of the monetization options around the click.

  • Case Study: How Marketo Uses SlideShare for Inbound Marketing and Lead Generation

    Jason Miller, social media strategist and content marketing evangelist at Marketo, shares how his company uses SlideShare in their content marketing strategy. “No longer can a marketing professional rely solely on white papers and blog posts to get their message to prospective buyers and customers,” he writes. “It’s now vital to include a visual element […]