
  • Google Wins May Without Bing in the Mix

    Google unsurprisingly took the lion’s share of the U.S. search market in May, but will Bing’s popularity take a bit out of the search giant’s piece of the pie in June?

  • Word-Of-Mouth: Real vs. Virtual

    Despite the buzz surrounding online word-of-mouth initiatives, particularly on blogs, it appears that recommendations from close family and friends are far more influential than those found on the Internet, according to Mintel.

  • The Low Down on Media Buys

    When it comes to Media Buys, the road to success can take many twists and turns, but should always consist of a strategic plan, proper execution, detailed optimization, scalability, and the testing of new offers.

  • Coming for You?

    Given the marketing tactics that currently drive so much of the volume in the performance marketing space, articles headlining with “FTC Looks to Regulate Blogger Credibility” or “FTC Change in Endorsement and Testimonial Policy…

  • Our Customers

    The people in our space comprise a hodgepodge of personalities with some major clusters around certain characteristics. One of those clusters still confuses me, but it seems to have something to do with the non-traditional…

  • Facebook Leapfrogs MySpace, But Not Completely

    The word is out: MySpace has finally lost its crown as the king of social networking sites to Facebook.

  • France is the Biggest Illegal Video Downloading Offender

    According to a recent study released by Futuresource Consulting, 8 percent of consumers in the U.K., France, Germany and the U.S. admit to downloading content illegally from file-sharing sites.

  • Coca-Cola and Albertsons to Give Away Dream Home

    The Coca-Cola Co. has launched the “California Dream Home Giveaway” sweepstakes in partnership with Albertsons

  • Craigslist, David Carradine Among Popular Search Terms

    For the four weeks ending June 6, 2009, “craigslist” was the top overall search term, according to Hitwise.

  • E-Mail Marketing to Reach $2 Billion by 2014

    According to a recent forecast made by Forrester Research, e-mail marketing spending in the U.S. will reach $2 billion by 2014, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 11 percent from $1.2 billion in 2009.