
  • France, US Mobile Phone Users Make Voice Calls Most Frequently

    The “phone” in “mobile phone” might be a bit misleading, according to a recent study published by London-based Lightspeed Research.

  • Microsoft Gains in Search Market Share Thanks to Bing

    It looks like we finally have some official data about Bing’s market share, and it’s good news for Microsoft, which was the only major search engine to gain in June.

  • US is the Biggest Spam Offender

    A recent report released by IT security and data protection firm Sophos shows that the U.S. is the most flagrant offender on the worldwide spam stage.

  • One to Many

    When we write about the economics of the flog and other forms of fakevertising sites currently dominating the display space, at the core what we are really talking about are the mechanics of successful run of network, remnant…

  • Bing: More Than 5% of the Market Already?

    While “official” June search engine market share figures from the likes of comScore and Nielsen haven’t been released yet, early indicators from other sources seem to indicate a strong start for Microsoft’s Bing.

  • Facebook is the Most Valuable Social Network Site

    According to a recent study released by Anderson Analytics, Facebook is the most popular and valued social networking site.

  • Social Network Ad Spending to Increase Slowly

    According to recent figures released by eMarketer, worldwide online social network advertising spending is set to grow 9 percent in 2009.

  • US Ad Spending Recovery Will Lag Behind World’s

    Recent figures released by ZenithOptimedia show that 2009 will be worse than expected, and while a worldwide recovery will begin in 2010, the U.S. won’t see black again until 2011.

  • Will email marketing get defined standards?

    If you talk to anyone who works in email marketing, they will tell you that deliverability is a moving target and that standards and best practices are always changing.

  • The Soaker Campaign

    In a story that might begin, “A long time ago, back in the third quarter of 2008, a site that looked like a blog appeared.” Since then, the fake blog and its relatives – the fake news site and fake celebrity/gossip site – have taken over…