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Social Media Is Essential to Marketing Mix, According to 2 in 3 Businesses

According to research from Econsultancy and Adobe, 67 percent of the 650 marketing professionals surveyed say social media is “integral” to their marketing mix, while 17 percent disagree with that statement. Sixty-four percent of businesses are using social media for brand awareness, 44 percent for marketing campaigns, 37 percent for content marketing and 25 percent…

Job Cuts Loom for Groupon

Kal Raman, Groupon’s new senior vice president of global sales and operations, is taking steps toward cleaning house at the daily-deals giant. “We’ve got lots of people doing the right things but in a very manual, roundabout way,” he said. Raman noted that there are employees doing things like cutting and pasting data into spreadsheets…

Apple Sells 5 Million iPhone 5s Over the Weekend: Marketers Take Notice

Apple says it has sold 5 million iPhones over the weekend, outdoing its sales for the iPhone 4S last year by 1 million units. Despite the ho-hum reactions by some who noted that the new iPhone isn’t anything revolutionary, the lackluster Apple Maps application and the fact that Samsung still leads the market in total…

Small and Medium Businesses Would Rather Pay for Leads Than Clicks for Mobile Ads

A new survey of small and medium businesses (SMBs) lends strength to the argument that paying for leads is preferred over paying for clicks or impressions, at least when it comes to mobile ads. The survey, conducted by Borrell Associates on behalf of self-serve mobile lead-gen platform Pontiflex, found that 26 percent of SMBs would…

Do Not Track Is a Big Failure

In theory, Do Not Track is a great idea. The problem is that it doesn’t work because it requires good-faith cooperation from those on the other side of the consumers. Two large associations have created their own twisted interpretation of the law: “They have said they will stop serving targeted ads but will still collect…

Amazon Is the Top Retail Destination for Smartphone Owners

According to comScore, Amazon Sites ranked as the top retail property for smartphone owners, reaching 46.6 percent of smartphone users. eBay followed with a 30.6 percent reach, while Apple had a 16.6 percent reach. The landscape is different for iPhone and Android phones, with retailers having stronger penetration among iPhone users than among Android users.…

The FTC Hopes to Decide on Google Antitrust Inquiry by the End of the Year

The chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says the agency is aiming to know whether or not it will bring legal action against Google for anticompetitive practices by the end of 2012. The antitrust inquiry is focused on whether Google has unfairly tweaked search results related to its products. We’re doing what we’re supposed…

The Seven Deadly Sins of Lead Generation

Marketers are beset with deadlines, targets and expectations, a mix of pressures that can tempt them to make decisions that will wreak havoc on their efforts to properly generate leads. To help marketers fight the good fight, we spoke with some experts who discussed the Seven Deadly Sins of lead generation: