
  • Off the Team: NFL’s infringement suit contends Coors is not a player.

    Coors Brewing Co. went ahead with an August-through-September campaign despite a court ruling against the beer maker just a week before the campaign broke.

  • Winners are few and lawyers dogging them many, so why are sweepstakes on a rampage?

    The number of sweepstakes promotions being offered by marketers has grown at least 15 percent over the last eight to 12 months, according to a promo poll

  • Foiled again

    Here’s one way to shine on-shelf: UniFoil Corp.’s foil for packaging and P-O-P. Titleist recently redesigned all its packaging using Unifoil materials


    Internet marketer DoubleClick, Inc., New York City, acquired direct-marketing research firm Abacus Direct Corp., Broomfield, CO, in a deal worth $1 billion

  • Heavy Drinkers of Imported Beer

    “A Heineken and an Amstel, thanks.” The couple by the bar won’t be found slugging $1.99 six-packs on the couch at home; they’re too busy working and working

  • And the Pitch…

    After decades of keeping the smooth, white, plastic surfaces of its classic products pristine, Wiffle Ball, Inc., has gotten into the promotions game.

  • Bounced

    SOMETIMES, THE CRANBERRIES GO STALE.Ocean Spray is readying yet another round of new products and will boostmarketing spending as it scrambles to regain

  • You May Not Be a Winner

    As early as this month, the U.S. Senate will consider a bill regulatingdirect-mail sweepstakes. The Deceptive Mail Prevention and Enforcement Act(S-335),

  • Pay to Play

    Successful promotional licensing begins with the right choice of a partner, whether that’s a peppery affair with the Spice Girls or a swinging night on

  • Registering the Draft

    DraftWorldwide took the long road to the PROMO 100 list. But it arrived at No. 1. The Chicago-based agency network has its roots in direct marketing,