Special Report: Event Marketing
Traveling Salesmen Events let consumers touch brands By Matthew Kinsman Event marketing is expensive, time consuming, and in an age when ROI is king difficult
Asian Delights
Singapore agencies dominated the Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia, with Bates/141 Singapore and its client Asia Pacific Breweries taking top honors
Over the Top
I am so confused. No, really. I am more confused now than I’ve been in 20 years doing marketing. There are so many opinions out there. What is marketing
Book Smarts
Forget cool. Candid works better. A recent survey conducted by YouthStream Media Networks found that 90 percent of college students consider to be extremely
Same Old Story
Life isn’t easy for consumer packaged goods manufacturers. Though their stocks are on the rebound, and though everyone has to eat (and drink, and bathe),
Play Stations
Blockbuster, Inc. has a lot on its plate this summer. The chain is already busy reformatting stores to move more towards DVDs and pumping up its Rewards
Premium Incentives: Better to Give
Spending on premium incentives dropped 2.4 percent to $26.3 billion in 2001 as the economic downturn curtailed expenditures and reduced the employee ranks
The Future Is Now
Ask four people to define and you’ll get four different answers. Business defines us as a sales tactic. Marketing defines us as a below-the-line expense.