
  • Special Report: Event Marketing

    Traveling Salesmen Events let consumers touch brands By Matthew Kinsman Event marketing is expensive, time consuming, and in an age when ROI is king difficult

  • Asian Delights

    Singapore agencies dominated the Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia, with Bates/141 Singapore and its client Asia Pacific Breweries taking top honors

  • Over the Top

    I am so confused. No, really. I am more confused now than I’ve been in 20 years doing marketing. There are so many opinions out there. What is marketing

  • Book Smarts

    Forget cool. Candid works better. A recent survey conducted by YouthStream Media Networks found that 90 percent of college students consider to be extremely

  • Same Old Story

    Life isn’t easy for consumer packaged goods manufacturers. Though their stocks are on the rebound, and though everyone has to eat (and drink, and bathe),

  • Play Stations

    Blockbuster, Inc. has a lot on its plate this summer. The chain is already busy reformatting stores to move more towards DVDs and pumping up its Rewards

  • Premium Incentives: Better to Give

    Spending on premium incentives dropped 2.4 percent to $26.3 billion in 2001 as the economic downturn curtailed expenditures and reduced the employee ranks

  • The Future Is Now

    Ask four people to define and you’ll get four different answers. Business defines us as a sales tactic. Marketing defines us as a below-the-line expense.