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A Rebuttal in Favor of Ad Networks

I must admit; this week I wanted to cover what will be a hot topic in the weeks to follow. There is a shakeup coming in the education lead generation landscape, and it’s being led by one of the largest buyers of leads and one of...

Web Two Point Uh-Oh: Life in a syndicated world

Were Internet advertising like wines, then Vintage 2004 would be considered a good year. The drought that plagued the online ad market for most of 2000 through the end of 2002 is now just a blip on the radar, a slight false start, not...

Viva Entourage

HBO is sending its Entourage to Acapulco for Spring Break. The cast of the hit show won't be there in person, but Entourage will have plenty of presence

Going Digital

Like the medieval monks who transitioned from illuminated manuscripts to the Gutenberg press, or the town criers who were superceded by Poor Richard's

Be Your Own Network

It was the mid 1990’s and, being a fresh college graduate, I was talking shop with friends in the middle of the night in a half empty bar. The stranger beside us let us know that he was an executive from CBS, even though no one had

Is PageRank Still Significant?

PageRank has garnered a lot of attention, and the continuous updates to PageRank seem to indicate that things are going through a slight change. Sites that were once ranked lower have risen, while sites that used to be

New Report Forecasts $23.5B for Digital Ads by 2010

Analyst firm Parks Associates released a new report indicating that there will be growth in digital media segments with new categories such as in-game and mobile advertising to offer the highest gains.

DM Pimping Cartoon V20

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

MySpace Going Mobile

MySpace is a hugely popular social networking site for teens and young adults in their twenties, which is also a very lucrative demographic for wireless phone companies. This common denominator clearly indicates why MySpace has...