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Is Click-to-Call what Local Search Has Been Waiting For?

Click-to-call is an emerging contextual advertising format that will help spark the growth of localized search. It links online users to offline advertisers by combining Internet telephone capabilities. Although it has yet to hit its stride...


RexDirectNet is a full service Internet marketing company specializing in Affiliate Marketing (Rextopia) and Lead Generation Services (Rextrack). That’s been our focus for the last four and a half years and going... – Robbing Peter to pay Paul

More often than not, the topics for publication come together at the last minute. Occasionally, the topic might exist beforehand, although that still doesn’t guarantee it being written before the last minute. This week’s topic falls under...

MetaReward. Dropping the Rewards.

In Internet Advertising 2006 - The Year That Will Be, I said, “Incentive marketing will change. Users love free iPods, and the aggregate of remnant inventory will still be incredibly large, but the day of the email / zip offer will...

Claria Unveils PersonalWeb

On Monday, Claria (formerly known as the adware company Gator) released the beta version of its PersonalWeb, which will be an Internet tracking application that uses behavioral targeting to deliver relevant ads and content to...

Bertelsmann Eyeing Online Networking Scene

Bertelsmann, the fourth largest media corporation in the world, thinks that it’s about time to use the Internet as a tool to further connect their older club members. Currently, the German media giant has its own Direct Group of...

Almost Half of February Searches Were Googled

February was just another month in search that was dominated by Google. According to individual reports issued by Nielsen//NetRatings and comScore Media Metrix, Google held on to its top spot in the share of the overall U.S...

DM Pimping Cartoon V26

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

Some Adwords Basics for Beginners

Google’s Adwords is still the yardstick by which other search advertising platforms measure themselves. This isn’t merely an industry observation, but a respectful sentiment that I share...

Caveat blogger

Long before companies started to leverage blogging as a next generation CRM solution and/or a means for thought leadership, individuals were using blogging to meet their own needs and sometimes no needs at all. Not many...