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Leadership interviews with Ken Harlan from PrimaryAds

LEADERSHIP INTERVIEWS… With Ken Harlan From PrimaryAds Find out how Ken got started.. Why he sold his company for over $10M and how you can do the same.. New features coming in PrimaryAd’s CPA network..

Lead Generation 1.0

In today’s Digital Thoughts we expose how a site like eBay can remove information asymmetry and shed light on an area that typically remains hidden.

Information Asymmetry

Found on eBay - Turn-Key Mortgage Lead Gen Business Opportunity. Unfortunately, the listing no longer exists on eBay but it touches upon one of the more fascinating trends going on in the lead generation space - owning traffic.

FCC Changes Fax Advertisement Rules

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules in order to employ the conditions of the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005. The FCC said that so long as businesses have an established business relationship with...

Free Wi-Fi Blessings for that City by the Bay

Last week the city of San Francisco accepted a joint bid from Google and Earthlink to bring universal wireless access, or “Wi-Fi” to that city by the bay. Residents will be able to log in wirelessly to the Internet from home, work...

Is Click-to-Call what Local Search Has Been Waiting For?

Click-to-call is an emerging contextual advertising format that will help spark the growth of localized search. It links online users to offline advertisers by combining Internet telephone capabilities. Although it has yet to hit its stride...


RexDirectNet is a full service Internet marketing company specializing in Affiliate Marketing (Rextopia) and Lead Generation Services (Rextrack). That’s been our focus for the last four and a half years and going... – Robbing Peter to pay Paul

More often than not, the topics for publication come together at the last minute. Occasionally, the topic might exist beforehand, although that still doesn’t guarantee it being written before the last minute. This week’s topic falls under...