Articles by

Kodak Launches Pirates Promo, Sweeps

Eastman Kodak Co. has all guns blazing for its mega-promotion around one of the summer's most anticipated films, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. The company has prepared a host of movie-themed promotions and sweepstakes prizes.

Hardware Makers Against Net Neutrality Laws

Software and Internet firms have voiced their strong desire to see legislation regarding the issue of Net neutrality, but this has not changed what hardware makers think about the matter. Last week, a group of major hardware makers...

Pepsi, Motorola, and Yahoo! to Offer Video Ringtones

Yahoo! has always had a strong desire to offer its users an increasing amount of unique content, and they seem to have found a niche that has been virtually untapped thus far. The trio of Pepsi, Motorola, and Yahoo! Music will soon offer...

Google Sandbox Plays the SEO

A few weeks ago, I presented myself with a challenge - to do some Internet sleuthing and get to the bottom of this perplexing condition that newly search engine optimized websites (that’s SEO) face known as the Google...

Are you Blogging Effectively?

Perhaps “blogging” isn’t such a graceful word. To me, it’s a heavy sounding word that suggests a drudgery in the way that cereals can be soggy and minds groggy. But it’s too late to rename this shortened word for web-logging...

DM Pimping Cartoon V32

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

Upsetting The Status Quo

Competition can sneak up on a company when they don’t expect it and from a direction they would not have seen coming. One example, which may only illustrate my appreciation for Revenue Science, as opposed to point being...

Much To Do About Video

Keeping on top of the latest technology takes effort. Everyone should be so lucky to have at least one friend, that no matter what the technology, can help make sense of the situation and enable you to become proficient with it. For me, this was the case when trying to understand the relationship between...