
  • Ogre Orgy

    DreamWorks, Glendale, CA, this spring unleashes its largest promotional slate ever with a multi-partner package for Shrek, a CGI tale about the adventures

  • Covers and Uncovers

    This wasn’t planned as a swear word-and-swimsuit issue. It just happened that way. Yes, senior editor Betsy Spethmann was the first one who said dirty

  • 90 Days to a Better Brand

    health clubs around the nation will see memberships increase this month as millions of Americans begin running, lifting, and climbing stair after stair

  • American Demographics

    A potpourri of data appearing this February in PROMO’s sister titlePack Your Bags Americans are hitting the malls before hitting the road. Along with

  • What’s the Buzz?

    Brand marketers eavesdrop on the Internet to track consumer trends. Cassandra goes online this month – and she’s not alone.Trend Central, a Web site launching

  • It’s Not All Fun and Games

    I’ve been reading a lot about the steady decline of (I’m still trying to decide whether the company is one of the most ridiculous business

  • Building the Whopper

    McCann snares adult ad account; kids, promotion picks imminent.Burger King last month began assembling its new marketing network by naming McCann-Erickson

  • Executive Privilege

    Top brass who play along with promotions bring fun to the corner office and credibility to the brand.Ford India president Phil Spender wasn’t trying to

  • E-eek!

    E-mail is beginning to creep me out.I got a disconcerting pass-along from a friend – a chain letter of sorts – that asked about a dozen personal questions.

  • German Bank Says `Show Me The Money’

    For all their cost-effectiveness and accountability, incentive-based promotions still operate in a highly regulated – if not outright prohibitive – environment