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Is Telemarketing the New Old Thing?

As I was walking around this past Affiliate Summit, I couldn't help but notice companies looking to buy call center generated leads.

Mobile Facebook and Twitter Booms, MySpace

Social networking sites are being accessed more and more via mobile browsers, but not all the big dogs have loud barks. While Facebook and Twitter are thriving in the mobile realm, MySpace seems to be foundering.

Online > Print in 2010

Spending on online advertising and marketing will surpass print for the first time in 2010, according to Outsell Inc.

Facebook Freebie Crackdown Continues

The accounts vary, but unlike years past where regardless of the prognosticator, the predictions looked dire, today when it comes to how much will Facebook make, the only question is how high...

For Better or for Worse?

For as much as the performance marketing industry has changed over the past decade, some things have not changed all that much. We still use the pixel in order to track...

Negative Value Leads

Couldn't something that costs nothing have negative value? Could something free actually cost money? Given this audience, that last question should have had an asterisk. Performance...

Regulating Debt

Some say money is the root of all evil. Outside of love, directly and indirectly, money is probably one of the most written about topics. In our space, money isn't necessarily the root of all evil...