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Don’t Hate the Player

Any talk of privacy and appropriate advertising leads us to ponder one of online direct marketing's greatest vehicles, our long-lost friend the flog. We wish we had insight into the current size of the...

I Fought The Law

It's easy to have a cynical view of legislation. Listening to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation's recent hearing on "The Debt Settlement Industry: The Consumer's...

P&I Postscript-IMA

THE INCENTIVE MARKETING ASSOCIATION: has added a new category to its Circle of Excellence Awards: the Social Responsibility Award, which recognizes incentive suppliers in three key areas

Week in Review

Week in Review. Headlines for the week. Get Daily headlines from our facebook fan page (digital moses)

Location-Based Ads, Please

According to a recent survey conducted by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and Luth Research, consumers respond much better to location-based ads than to SMS and mobile Web ads.