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PC Market is Hot, Acer Closing in On HP

The global PC market has never been more explosive, according to market research company iSuppli Corp. While Hewlett-Packard remains the top dog, Acer and Dell are quickly catching up.

E-Mail Marketers Need to Display Understanding, Especially for Mobile Users

Who would you listen to: a friend who offers you advice every now and then, or a stranger who offers you advice every hour? Most people would take the former every time, and while this isn't the most precise metaphor for the recent findings of e-Dialog, it does highlight the company's bottom line:- show that…

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Endeavor Ads launches exclusive Affiliate Network

Endeavor Ads, LLC. is a premiere performance marketing network which was founded through a vision of bridging the gaps between traditional lead generation strategies and the more modern performance marketing techniques

The Necessity of Naivety

The other day, a founder of a new start-up in the performance marketing space quipped, "I can't believe how easy I thought this would be when we started." In some ways, he is the classic performance marketing story - young guy wants...

Apple Age

For a big group of performance-marketers, a trip to the Moscone Center in San Francisco automatically conjures up associations related to April and ad:tech. For another group of patrons, the Moscone Center means something else...