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The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry.To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Slap Proof

Odds are that if you do online marketing long enough you've been slapped around.

Tough Questions

No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. It doesn't have to be bad news. It could just be the truth, but if it is an unpleasant truth, you will rarely find it a popular topic of conversation. In this case...

It’s The Economy Stupid

Setting aside some of the financial blow back that has happened due to certain large continuity advertisers not upholding their end of the performance marketing contract, our industry as a...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Company Profile: LeadFlash

LeadFlash is a significant player in the cash advance/payday loan space, and was featured in the 2009 Inc.

More Americans Want to Browse Web, Shop via Cell Phones

While nine out of 10 Americans have cell phones - a huge increase from just four years ago - many express a desire to take part in m-commerce, browse the Web and access e-mail by way of their mobile phones, according to the National Retail Federation.

Social Media Users Concerned About Privacy but Do Little About it

According to a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute and sponsored by, the vast majority of social media users express concern about their privacy, but many neglect to take simple steps toward protecting themselves online.

Featured Product

If you live in a major city or just visit one, invariably you find yourself being approached by someone of indeterminate age selling candy, generally, in order to raise money for their high...