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The Biggest News We’ve Yet to Hear of?

For many people, 1998 was a banner year, smack in the middle of the internet boom and graduates who knew programming were getting insane job offers. It was not a great year for...

Two-Word Queries Are the Most Popular in September

Experian Hitwise recently unveiled its most recent search engine numbers, which show that Google remains way ahead of the pack, Bing-powered search lost some of its piece of the pie and that two-word queries were the most popular in September.

Social Games Rivaling Prime-Time TV Shows

Are social games killing prime-time television? According to recent numbers from smartphone application analytics and monetization platform Flurry, it might not be such a farfetched notion.

US Ad Spending is Growing

Recent figures released by Nielsen show that ad spending is growing in the U.S., though not across all sectors. While automotive-related categories appear to be bouncing back in huge ways, others have seen spending cut back from the same period last year.

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Can You Spare A Penny?

When is a vertical a vertical? Is it when the first page of Google AdWords is taken by look a like companies? Is it when a competitor enters the market with a URL of...

The Good Lead Framework

If you have never picked up the phone and dialed leads, it's a worthwhile experience. Just picture yourself not on the generating end of the leads but on the calling...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page