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Waxing Philosophically…aka Just Rambling

Perhaps it's the politics; the anticipation that comes with a potential changing of the guard. maybe it's the lack of new offers or the fact that the hottest...

What Is A Startup?

Less than a week from today a large portion of the internet advertising community will convene in New York City. It's not for the screening of Mad Men, and unlike last year it won't involve...

The Biggest News We’ve Yet to Hear of?

For many people, 1998 was a banner year, smack in the middle of the internet boom and graduates who knew programming were getting insane job offers. It was not a great year for...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Making the Most of the Yahoo and Microsoft Search Alliance

If you're an online advertiser and are wondering how you can best respond to the search pact between Yahoo and Microsoft, Clickable has some suggestions for you in its report titled, "Navigating The Yahoo! And Microsoft Search Alliance."

More Adults Own Cell Phones Than Computers

According to recent numbers from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, more American adults own cell phones than desktop computers and laptop computers.

Fantasy Football Sites Surge in September

Visits to fantasy football sites boomed in September, though both Yahoo and ESPN's offerings saw year-over-year declines, according to Experian Hitwise.