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Facebook Continues to Gobble Up Visitors and Time

According to Compete, the gap between Yahoo, the No. 2 site, and Facebook, the No. 3 site, continues to shrink. Other data show similar growth for Facebook, in terms of visitors and time spent on its site.

Shameless LeadsCon Plug: Week 4 – Beyond Shameless

Four weeks ago today, we started writing with a simple idea in mind. To increase interest in an upcoming event about which we want to see succeed; but do so in way that were we not to say what we were doing, it wouldn't seem like we were doing what...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Valentine’s Day Spending Will Be 11% Up in 2011

According to the National Retail Federation's "2011 Valentine's Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey," conducted by BIGresearch, the average consumer is set to boost their Valentine's Day spending by 11 percent this year.

Shameless LeadsCon Plug: Lead Vs. Brand

We've reached the halfway point of the shameless plugs. This week mark's the three-and-a-half week countdown towards the March 1st and 2nd event. Haven't booked your ticket yet? That's ok. The percentage...