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The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Nearly 84% of Marketers Are into Mobile Advertising/Marketing

According to the "State of Mobile Advertising" survey from Jumptap (a mobile ad network) in conjunction with DM2 Media, more than four out of five marketers are into the mobile arena, offering yet another piece of evidence that mobile advertising is, indeed, becoming mainstream.

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Smart Phone Owners More Likely to Recall Seeing Ads Than Tablet Owners

Among the many highlights from eMarketer's "Smart Devices: Phones, Tablets & More -- Opportunities for Marketers" webinar is that smart phone users and tablet users have different tendencies when it comes to advertising on their devices. Also, the emergence of tablets will disrupt both the PC and mobile...

The Mass-Market Mobile Casual Gamer

"The era of marketing singularly to the 18 - 34 hardcore male gamer is officially over," proclaims a recent blog post from Flurry, a smart phone application analytics and monetization platform.

Upward Mobility

We take our industry for granted. It stresses us. It keeps us up at night. We bitch about it. We hate Google or Facebook. We wonder why a bird game can make one hundred million dollars...

Billion Dollar Email Submits

The other day, we had the chance to meet one of our idols. Unlike most normal human beings this idol works in the online advertising space. They aren't famous. They do have lots of money, but their wealth has nothing to do with what makes them...

More Than 1,000 Products Advertised via Mobile Content at the End of 2010

A wealth of information about the mobile realm was recently unveiled by comScore in its "2010 Mobile Year in Review" report. Among the highlights was the finding that mobile advertising is on growing at a healthy pace and that nearly half of all mobile subscribers in the U.S. were mobile media users in 2010.