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Bing-Powered Search Continues to Gain Ground, See Higher Success Rate Than Google

Bing-powered search continues to see happy days as it gained ground on Google in February and saw noticeably higher "success" rates than the biggest search engine in the land, according to Experian Hitwise. The company also revealed sites that saw spikes in traffic after the earthquake and tsunami in...

In-App Mobile Interstitial Ads: 10% Engagement Rate

"Through the rapid evolution of in-app rich media, one important aspect has remained a constant: its exceptional performance," according to a recent report from Medialets, a mobile rich-media ad platform

Shameless Daily Deal Summit Plug – Week 4

Can you believe how the time flies? Not two weeks have passed, and so it begins. Shameless plug time. The beauty about the shameless plug is its transparency. The problem with trying to be cute and sneak in a plug is that you will see right through that. That's why when it comes to promotional…

The Week in Review

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