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eMerchantPay Registers with the UK’s FSA as a Payment Institution

London, UNITED KINGDOM (Sept 27 , 2011) -- eMerchantPay, a leading provider of online payment processing solutions to merchants worldwide, has been registered as a Payment Institution by the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA United Kingdom). With this registration, eMerchantPay has been authorized to carry out...

BrokersWeb Merges with Vantage Media

Today we are pleased to announce that BrokersWeb and Vantage Media have completed a merger to create one of the largest online performance marketing companies in the nation. The combined entity will focus on delivering new customers, via clicks and leads to clients in...

10 Facts About Consumer Behavior on Facebook

Chadwick Martin Baily, CMB Consumer Pulse and Constant Contact offered up a neat presentation titled "10 Quick Facts You Should Know About Consumer Behavior on Facebook." Among the findings is that more than half of fans say they're more likely to buy a product after becoming a fan of a brand.

Shoppers Sent From Twitter Spend More Per Order on Retail Websites

RichRelevance recently released its new Online Consumer Report, which analyzed more than 200 million shopping sessions to take a glimpse at how Americans are browsing and shopping online. Among the findings is that shoppers behave quite differently depending on how they get to a retail...

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