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10 Tips for Online Marketers This Holiday Season

Marin Software recently shared a white paper titled "The Online Marketer's Guide for the Holidays: Ten Tips for a Successful 2011." It aims to put the 2010 holiday season into perspective and offer best practices for the 2011 holiday season.

Mid-Roll Video Ads Boast the Highest Completion Rates

Auditude released its "Auditude Video Monetization" report, which looked into how content type, length of video stream, ad format and placement affect viewers' response to video ads. The company researched a sample of more than 11 billion ad impressions through its video ad serving platform.

Fashion and Performance Marketing. Who Knew?

A little over a month ago during Daily Deal Summit West, Brian Lee took the stage for a fireside chat. For those in the LA startup scene, Brian has taken on almost cult like status. Not many people have had the success to disrupt an industry and create a...

Men Are More Engaged in Online Social Shopping Activities Than Women

Performics recently released its "Social Shopping Study: Participant Behaviors & Preferences on Social, Shopping and Deal Sites.: Contrary to popular belief, the study found that men more frequently take part in shopping activities via social networks, shopping sites and deal sites than women do. However...

A Lagging Indicator?

Like any good, or in this case bad, arbiter of our future, we look to the market to help explain life and know how to feel. What we get in return is an emotional roller coaster that is only partially correlated to our actual well-being. It's variable payout nature...

Sell your Holiday Offers like a PR Pro

Many businesses reap the majority of their annual sales during the holiday season. If you are an affiliate who fits into this category or are looking to generate the majority of your income during the fourth quarter, it is essential to apply creative tactics to ensure you attract the right holiday...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

The Fraud Paradox

If I told you that a company was running a business doing 90% fraud and billing more than $10k/mo, what would you think? In many ways, it's unintentionally a trick question. Those in the performance marketing space would answer, yes, they could...