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This 1 Trick for Going out of Business

Human nature is a very real thing. It's not some flippant explanation for activities that require greater conscious thought to explain. It actually and accurately describes a wide range of behaviors for which science might prefer to lump into other social psychological hypotheses but for...

Shop.Org’s Holiday Online Sales Survey Offers Strategies for 2012

The successes and failures of various tactics used by online marketers during the holiday 2011 season offer insight into practices for 2012. A survey by chronicles these, as well as marketers' anticipated investments, both in reaction to the holiday results and otherwise.

Eukanuba Facebook Fan Pets to Appear in 2013 Calendar

People love their pets, and just like their kids, they love to post photos of the creatures for all their friends to see. Eukanuba, a P&G brand, has launched a contest that strikes at the hearts and minds of pet owners everywhere: post a photo of your Boxer or Spaniel for the world to see.…

Super Bowl Ads Offer ROI Measurement Challenges

While the big game may not offer the same ease in calculating financial-based ROI metrics a direct marketing campaign does, there are measurements marketers can generate that validate the investment

Chief Marketer Listline January 30

Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market, including Crimson Direct College Students and Dartnell Management Masterfile.