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Chief Marketer Listline February 6

Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market, including Catholic Advocate Educational Fund and RideAlong.

The State of Social Media

Compete recently released "The State of Social Media: First Edition", which discuses data illustrating how consumers use social media sites. Among the findings in the report is that half of Facebook's active user base signs in every day.

This 1 Trick for Going out of Business

Human nature is a very real thing. It's not some flippant explanation for activities that require greater conscious thought to explain. It actually and accurately describes a wide range of behaviors for which science might prefer to lump into other social psychological hypotheses but for...

"FB": End of an Era or the Beginning of a New One?

Upon the recent news of an imminent filing by Facebook to (finally) go public, a performance marketer quipped on one of the more prominent forums, "Well, there goes another good site." It was an interesting observation and not in keeping with the mainstream press and...

The Week in Review

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