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Why Marketers Should Blog to Generate Leads

Batman has his utility belt, lead-generation marketers have their blogs. If marketers aren’t blogging, they’re passing up a valuable tool that helps them accomplish many of their goals. Here’s a quick look at why blogs can be so useful for marketers and why they should be part of their daily arsenal. Qualify and push Companies…

Content Marketing Can Greatly Help With SEO

Content marketing is not a replacement for SEO, but it can greatly help it. Skills like graphic design, video production and copywriting are important when generating content, especially in a time when the web is filled with dull graphics dumped out by cheap content producers. All too often content producers do not consider what consumers…

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Lead-Generation Marketers Make

The process of generating leads is filled with decisions, nuances and pressures, so it’s no surprise that marketers have many ways to go wrong. It’s also no surprise that when we cast our net for experts who could point out the most common mistakes lead-gen marketers make, we were overwhelmed with a boatload of responses.…

Madison Logic Launches Lead-Gen Platform That Retargets Prospects With Display Ads

Madison Logic has introduced two new tools that appear to make for a dream scenario for lead-generation marketers. The first product allows companies to purchase behavioral intent data to use for their own purposes. The second product will sync clients and prospects with an opt-in cookie database and retarget them with display ads online. So,…

Tumblr Gets Its First Analytics Platform

Tumblr has given Union Metrics the data it needs to introduce the first ever analytics platform for Tumblr, music to the ears of marketers using the site. The new tool will enable users to filter and track any blog or topic, summarize overall engagement and trends, and show the most popular content. The individual post…

Email Marketers Must Rethink and Reinvent the Concept of a Preference Center

Preference centers are a popular object of disdain for email marketers, but it’s not because they don’t work. It’s because they work for such a small portion of your customers that engage that the value to your business is negligible. But this is because email marketers misuse or underuse preference centers. They should rethink and…

How to Use Instagram for Business

Instagram, in case you haven’t heard of it by now, is the wildly popular mobile photo-sharing app with more than 80 million users. While it’s obvious that brands can’t ignore the social platform, how can they actually use it to their advantage? Instagram, when used properly, can give businesses more visibility and better engagement with…

Google Acquires Facial-Recognition Technology Company Viewdle to Automatically Tag Photos

Google’s Motorola Mobility is acquiring Viewdle, a Ukranian imaging- and gesture-recognition company that will give Google the technology to automatically tag photos. The acquisition has been in the works for more than a year. Viewdle’s technology should come in handy for users of Google+, Android, Picasa and some of the search giant’s other services. The…

Facebook Has More Than 1 Billion Monthly Active Users, Focuses on Mobile

On Sept. 14, at 12:45 p.m. PDT, Facebook reached the mark of 1 billion monthly active users. “Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life,” wrote founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a brief announcement post. “I am committed to working every…