
  • Trends Report – Internet Real Estate

    The housing market isn’t the only hot real estate segment…internet real estate is also reaching its peak. Like a marketing company that has figured out how to convert low value PPC keywords or an affiliate that has figured out how to create SEO…

  • Grocers’ Use of E-Mail Growing: Survey

    Most grocers with frequent-shopper programs use e-mail to communicate with members, according to a survey of 66 supermarket chains by Retail Systems Consulting. The retail marketing consultancy found that 53% of grocers let shoppers register for loyalty …

  • AzoogleAds 100% Growth

    Online Advertising Leader AzoogleAds Grew More Than 100 Percent in the First Half of 2005, Dramatically Outpacing the Overall Growth of the Industry.

  • The DNA of a Successful Program

    Affiliate Motivation! While working on the philosophy that you need to create an attractive Program that Affiliates will want to join, put yourself in your Affiliate’s shoes and think about what an Affiliate will want from your Program.

  • Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    Internal search engine marketing teams and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Firms using PPC (Pay per click marketing) may be adversely hurting affiliating marketing. The uphill battle for affiliates and their managers is consistently growing as search…

  • Trends Report – Anatomy of a Lead Gen Industry

    This week’s Digital Thoughts uses a wide brush to cover the evolution and segmentation of arbitrage activity online. In it we touch upon one of the major arbitrage activities, lead generation. It’s an industry that, regardless of how they buy…

  • Digital Thoughts – State of the Union

    Arbitrage is a word that gets bandied about freely these days; it’s an activity that has transcended the financial world where it began to become the de-facto means for making money online. At its core, the activity describes the absorption of…

  • MSN Paid Search

    MSN recently introduced MSN adCenter, what they call “the next generation online advertising platform from Microsoft…” The first product offering from adCenter is the MSN Paid Search solution, encroaching further on Yahoo! and Google’s PPC cash cow.

  • Search Users Overlap, Results Do Not recently collaborated with researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University to measure how much overlap and differences in ranking there are between search companies MSN, Google, Yahoo! and Ask Jeeves.

  • The (Crowded) Battle Field: Lead Generation

    Behind the scenes of the online lead generation industry, there is a battle going on. Some may even say it is a battle of good and evil. I say it is a battle for survival.