
  • Ad Spending in 2008 Down 2.6%

    According to The Nielsen Company, total advertising spending in the U.S. dropped 2.6 percent in 2008, with just two out of 19 categories seeing increases from 2007.

  • Any Way You Cut it, Google Owned February

    Google continued its dominating ways in February as it grew its market share year-over-year, according to comScore, Nielsen Online and Hitwise.

  • Internet = Productivity?

    This is a sample of the popular online destinations that many would consider distracting — especially during the workday.

  • Mobile Access to News and Information Doubles in Popularity

    According to figures released earlier this week by comScore, nearly 22.4 million U.S. mobile phone users accessed news and information (excluding social networking) on a daily basis in January, reflecting a huge boost from last year.

  • The Ins and Outs of Lead Caps on Campaigns

    Many affiliate marketers have experienced the recent trend of lead caps on campaigns. A hot new offer is launched within a network, with a specific number of leads rationed out to affiliates per day.

  • Neverblue Goes Global

    Neverblue, a premier lead generation network, today announced its international expansion into Western Europe with a special focus on Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
    As a leading

  • Econsultancy and MediaTrust Publish First US Affiliate Census

    MediaTrust and Consultancy have today published the first US Affiliate Census, containing in-depth research about the performance marketing industry.

  • Social Networking Overtakes E-Mail

    A report published earlier this week by Nielsen Online indicated that social networks and blogs are now the fourth most popular online activity.

  • Switzerland, US Lose Active Internet Home Users in December

    Nielsen Online recently released its monthly report of worldwide active Internet home users in December and revealed that only Switzerland and the U.S. saw their Internet user count shrink.

  • Yahoo Mail: One-Third of Yahoo’s Traffic

    Yahoo! remains the second-most popular Web property in the U.S., according to January figures from comScore. According to recent figures released by Hitwise, the company has its e-mail product to thank for more than a third of its traffic.