April Sales Up 46.1% for Chicos

Chico’s FAS Inc. reported April sales results for the four- week period ended May 4 increased 46.1% to $46.9 million, compared to $32.1 million in April 2001.

Comparable store sales for Fort Myers, Fl-based Chico’s 324 retail stores increased 16.8% for the same period.

For the first quarter ended May 4, total sales increased 39.9% to $130.5 million from $93.2 million for the first quarter of 2001. Comparable store sales for the increased 13.2% for the 13-week period.

In a statement, Marvin Gralnick, Chico’s chairman and CEO, said the company had also seen “an initially strong response” to a new mailer format now arriving in homes.

Chico’s will release first quarter earnings results on May 30.