Android Passes iOS as the Most Popular Smart-Phone OS

According to Millennial Media’s Mobile Mix report for December, Android leapfrogged Apple’s iOS to stake the claim of being the largest smart-phone OS in December.

Apple remained the top dog in the realm of device manufacturers, claiming 20.96 percent of impressions on Millennial Media’s network in December. It was followed by Samsung with 17.23 percent, HTC with 15.37 percent, RIM with 12.13 percent and Motorola with 10.55 percent.

The Apple iPhone remained the top mobile device in December with 12.45 percent of the market. It was trailed by the BlackBerry Curve with 6.55 percent, the Apple iPod Touch with 6.47 percent, the HTC Nexus One (Passion) with 4.14 percent and the Motorola Droid with 2.84 percent.

According to Millennial Media, 60 percent of devices on its network in December were smart phones. Of this group of devices, 46 percent were running Android OS, while 32 percent were running iOS.

This marked the first time that Android surpassed iOS as the largest smart-phone OS on Millennial Media’s network. Android saw an 8 percent bump up in its month-over-month share.

RIM OS was third with 16 percent, while Symbian accounted for 2 percent and Windows OS accounted for 1 percent.

Fifty-seven percent of devices on Millennial Media’s network in December were touch-screen devices (a 10 percent month-over-month increase), while 21 percent were touch-screen and QWERTY devices. Another 20 percent were QWERTY devices and 2 percent were keypad devices.

According to comScore, 26 percent of mobile subscribers were smart-phone users in October, up from 18 percent in January.

Meanwhile, 21 percent of devices were on Verizon’s network, a 2 percent month-over-month increase. Wi-Fi was the means of connection for 19 percent of devices, while 13 percent were on Sprint-Nextel, 12 percent were on T-Mobile, 8 percent were on AT&T, 8 percent were on Metro PCS and 8 percent were on Cricket.

Android applications represented 55 percent of the application platform mix by revenue in the fourth quarter, according to Millennial Media, reflecting a 13 percent quarter-over-quarter increase. iOS apps followed with 39 percent.

Games was the top mobile application category by impressions in the fourth quarter, followed by Social Networking, Music & Entertainment, Mail & Messaging, Education & Employment, Weather, Sports, Maps & Navigation, News & Current Events, and Travel & Vacation. The last category saw its impressions double quarter-over-quarter.
