counts down the days till Christmas with 60 celebrities delivering exclusive content. Celebs including Bruce Springsteen, Michael J. Fox, Tom Brokaw and Sopranos exec. producer David Chase offer up unreleased songs, video and artwork—one each day from Nov. 3 through Jan. 1.
The Holiday A-List campaign is designed to drive site traffic, but also gives artists a venue to showcase new work and plug their own merchandise. Artists donated all content to Amazon and many will e-mail their fan lists to tout the site.
“ offered a compelling way for us to share an exclusive sneak peek of our new single, Bad Day, with music fans worldwide,” said Michael Stipe, lead singer of R.E.M. in a statement. features Holiday A-List on its home page but won’t run additional media support. Celebs will post info on their own sites. “This is an organic effort not just to create content but to let fans know about it,” says an spokesperson. “This is a great discovery tool to introduce our customers to artists they may not know.” handles the effort in-house.