
Month: August 2011

  • to Loyal Customers: You Decide the Discounts, the online seller of personal care, household and vitamin products, has decided to let registered users pick which items they want to receive instant discounts on

  • Before You “Check In”: What Loyalty Marketers Need to Know About Location-Based Services

    I’ve won and lost four mayorships in the past six months. To my credit, I leveraged my time in office to earn a few kickbacks (discounted meals and a free glass of wine), but I lost each title within days of winning one. This dubious achievement doesn’t make me a bad politician—it makes me an unreliable player of Foursquare, a social check-in game.

  • Moving Closer to Muslims During Ramadan

    Saffron Road Foods launched one year ago at Whole Foods Market, a good location for a line of halal food products. The brand made its debut in August during the month of Ramadan, the holiest time period for Muslims and in the ensuring year its products proved successful items on store shelves. This month, as Ramandan is again underway Saffron Road is staging its first promotion co-produced at about 90% of Whole Foods markets nationwide.

  • When Does Reactivation Modeling Make Sense?

    The ability to ask the right questions is a critical factor for effective analytical work. This is the key point I made in a recent article, “Asking the Right Questions in Data Analysis” I also noted that asking the right questions typically does not require an advanced degree in statistics.

  • Chief Marketer Listline August 15

    Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. The criteria for selection for Chief Marketer Listline is: · New list to market in past 7 days · Exclusive to list manager · Data card quality score 85 or higher on NextMark · Data …

  • Back to the Basics: Perfecting Email Creative

    By taking just a small amount of time to consider the following tips, email design can assist you in maximizing return on investment and communicating a consistent brand identity to customers.

  • Best Practices: 7 Ideas for Better B-to-B Email ROI

    One error that many B-to-B marketers make is trying to accomplish multiple goals within a single email campaign, rather than remembering that simplicity rules and having a single objective with a compelling call to action is best.

  • Exclusive B-to-B Research: Where Marketing Tech Dollars Are Going Today

    While most marketing organizations are taking the plunge into marketing automation tools, social media and CRM (usually through sales), they’re not yet investing in data management and reporting tools to help to make these investments pay, according to new Chief Marketer/SiriusDecisions research.

  • Hoover’s Connects With IT for Better B-to-B Sales

    How can you get IT street cred and build a rapport with the technology professionals who will ultimately help approve and implement your solution? Stephen Bergmann offers some thoughts on how Hoover’s has connected with IT pros to market its Application Programming Interface (API) products.