Agency: Arc Worldwide and Leo Burnett Chicago
Client: Hallmark
Hallmark teamed up with (PROJECT) RED, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping eliminate AIDS in Africa. But the organization had many other partners. Hallmark needed to differentiate themselves from the pack while also increasing sales. (PRODUCT) RED customers typically bought higher priced, sexier products than Hallmark sold and were low users of greeting cards. Adding to the challenge, the audience was the Millenials, group, which generally did everything digitally. Hallmark needed to increase relevance, awareness and usage among socially conscious women and Millenials and be able to make a significant contribution to the cause.
They introduced the (PRODUCT) RED greeting card line and to promote it, a campaign called “See How Far a Card Can Go”. The campaign was launched via bloggers, online, billboards, magazines, a website and a “Card for Africa” Facebook application in which people were able to sign a virtual card and send it to friends all over the world and calculate the distance sent.
All told, more than 165,000 people participated; the Card for Africa traveled more than 50 million miles and brand awareness increased 37%.