10 Facts About Consumer Behavior on Facebook

Chadwick Martin Baily, CMB Consumer Pulse and Constant Contact offered up a neat presentation titled “10 Quick Facts You Should Know About Consumer Behavior on Facebook.” Among the findings is that more than half of fans say they’re more likely to buy a product after becoming a fan of a brand.

The presentation collected data from 1,491 U.S. consumers ages 18+ via a 15-minute online questionnaire filed in January 2011.

According to the findings, 52 percent of Americans over 18 years of age spend at least one hour on Facebook per week. Overall, 6 percent spend more than 21 hours per week on Facebook, while another 6 percent spend 11-20 hours, 11 percent spend 6-10 hours, 29 percent spend 1-5 hours, 23 percent spend less than an hour and 25 percent have never used Facebook.

A whopping 71 percent of consumers under age 35 spend at least an hour on Facebook per week.

Another finding was that 34 percent of respondents interact with their favorite brands on Facebook – 56 percent of respondents under age 35 do the same. Meanwhile, 4 percent do so on Twitter and 1 percent do so on LinkedIn. An additional 9 percent interact with their brands on online communities/forums/bulletin boards, while 4 percent do this on blogs, 1 percent on MySpace and 2 percent on other outlets. Fifty-nine percent do this on none of these platforms.

A third of respondents have liked 1-2 brands on Facebook, while 25 percent have liked 3-4 brands, 20 percent have liked 5-9 brands and 22 percent have liked 10+ brands.

The top reason for fanning a brand on Facebook was “I am a customer of the company,” which got a 58 percent response. “To receive discounts and promotions” followed with 57 percent, while “To show others that I like/support this brand” had a 41 percent response. “To be the first to know information about the brand” and “Gain access to exclusive content” each got a 31 percent response.

Seventy-seven percent of fans read the posts, news feeds and offers posted by brands on Facebook, while 17 percent share experiences and news stories with others about the brand, 13 percent post about the brand and 17 percent do none of these.

The presentation also highlighted that 76 percent of fans have never unliked a brand on Facebook, while 15 percent have.

Fifty-six percent of fans said they’re likely to recommend a brand to friends after becoming a fan on Facebook, while 36 percent said they’re not.

Additionally, 51 percent of fans said they’re more likely to purchase a product after becoming a fan on Facebook.

According to the presentation, 49 percent of Facebook users’ time is spent posting on walls, 45 percent is spent in the newsfeed and 26 percent is spent searching for people.

The last finding in the presentation is that 69 percent of Facebook users would like to hear from some brands more often than others.

