Just in case you were tied up in a pile of wrapping paper and ribbon, or deep into a few creamy glasses of bourbon-laced eggnog and didn’t get a chance to read your PROMO Xtra last month, we’ve compiled a list of December’s Top 10 most widely read articles for your New Year enjoyment.
1. Kellogg, Verizon use Gamification to Build Loyalty
2. Marketers Unprepared for CrossChannel Marketing Forrester
3. 3 Ways Brands Can Spread Holiday Cheer on Facebook
4. In Two Months Walgreens Gets 28 Million Loyalty Members
5. UGG VP Marketing on Tom Brady's Impact on the Brand
6. P&G's CMO on Three Key Strategies Mistakes and Anthropologists
7. Mysterious Boxes Make Noteworthy Marketing Tools
8. Four Tips for Structuring Employee Incentive Programs