This fall, college marketing agency Zilo Networks and the Institute for Global Futures will launch FutureLab: The Innovative Expo,” a “world’s fair” type tour that will hit 20 college campuses.
The tour will give marketers the opportunity to debut new and upcoming products and services. “There are companies that put a lot of money into research and development and want to be known as futures-oriented,” said David Isaacs, CEO at New York City-based Zilo. “This gives them some exposure and a chance to be right on the campus quad.”
The tour will also be covered on the Zilo TV network.
Zilo is looking for four-to-six main sponsors and talking to marketers in several different industries, including transportation, financial services, sports and entertainment.
Sponsorships will be in the “six-figure range” according to Isaacs. The tour will kick off in September and run for six weeks.