Wireless Web Users: Who Are They?

A recent study released by the Pew Internet & American Life Project gives some broad demographic information about Internet users who have surfed the Web with a wireless device as opposed to users who have not.

Users who have used wireless devices are most likely to be male, between the ages of 30 and 49, white (non-Hispanic), with at least some college education, an income of at least $75,000, and have broadband Internet access at home.

The study, conducted in December 2006, also indicated that 34% of wireless Web users in the U.S. have gone online with a wireless connection at home, work, or another location. Another 27% said they have gone online from a place other than their home or work place, while 19% said they have wireless networks in their homes. Thirteen percent said they have PDA’s that are capable of connecting to the Internet wirelessly.

Wireless Web users are more likely to check their e-mail everyday than users who just have broadband connections and the general Internet population.

These users are also more likely to get their news online on a typical day than users who have broadband connections and the general online population.

As expected, this all seems to indicate that Web users who have access to wireless capabilities have a more frequent and intimate connection with the Internet, which spells big potential for marketers looking to profit from the continued growth and pervasiveness of wireless devices.

