Web Sites Influence Overall Sales, Says Survey

Business Web sites influence overall sales, both on and offline, according to a survey by online small business services provider Interland.

In addition, 94% said their businesses have Internet access, and seven out of 10 cited e-mail as very or somewhat critical to their businesses.

Forty-four percent of survey respondents with Web sites said they generated from one to 25% of their 2004 revenue through online purchases or offline purchases that were influenced by their Web site. And nearly a quarter (24%) said 26 to 100% of their revenue was attributable to having a Web site.

The report showed that of the 24% of those businesses surveyed, which are actively using e-commerce features to sell through their Web site, 87% are receiving monthly revenue from their Web site. In fact, 42% say they derive more than a quarter of their monthly revenue from their Internet presence.

The April survey polled of 1,032 leaders of businesses with 500 or fewer employees nationwide.