Online promos get better mileage when they’re connected to offline traffic and sales. E-stakes, Chicago, links on-pack gamepieces to Web promos on a brand’s site. Consumers enter online for instant prizes; marketers collect demographic data and offer discounts or loyalty points redeemable in-store. The traffic loop comes full circle from store to site to store.
Chicago Transit Authority ran a Take It and Win instant-win sweeps on fare cards to support its new “Take It” ad campaign and revamped Web site. Riders entered their fare card’s PIN at CTA’s Web site to win commuter-related prizes like Sony Discman players. Thousands of Chicagoans played – 87 percent of them were first-time visitors to CTA’s site.
E-stakes turns one year old next month under ad veteran and founder Laurie Cairns. More information: or 800-731-6167.