TMA Debuts 14.9 Million-Name Republican Database

TMA List Brokerage and Management is introducing a 14.9-million-name database of Republican donors at the DM Days in New York conference on Monday.

The 2003/2004 Republican Database was put together from a number of lists from managers who handle conservative and Republican donor files. These donors gave money for issues such as pro-family, national defense and tax reform in the last 24 months.

“The database will offer never-before universes for regional campaigns,” said Mike Murray, president of the Reston, VA list company.

Included in the list is a selection called super-multis, which names people who gave to three or four organizations. A multis selection (of people who gave to two conservative causes) has about 2.8 million records.

About half of the records include telephone numbers.

The base price is $100 per thousand.