TiVO Incorporates Response Device in TV Ads

TiVo Inc. has introduced new interactive television technology that allows TV viewers to request additional information directly from advertisers, or watch extended versions of commercials to receive more information.

The technology lets advertisers include a customized call-to-action feature in TV commercials. Viewers will be able select either a 30-second or a longer format TV spot for viewing, or request additional information–enabling advertisers to generate leads directly from the TV screens.

Initially the new interactive service will reach one million TiVO users. The first advertiser to use this service will be General Motors on the WB Television Network.

“Our viewers are younger and eagerly adapt themselves to new technologies,” said Lew Goldstein, co-president of marketing at WB Television, in a prepared statement.

Consumers will have the ability to learn more about GM products in greater detail from television advertising, according to Betsy Lazar, GM’s general director of advertising and media operations.