Survey Finds Online Customer Service a Myth

The lack of timely – or any – response to customer service queries has left many consumers dissatisfied with e-commerce-enabled Web sites, according to the results of a market research survey from

Approximately, 17% of the respondents said that real-time customer service was provided; 27% said the service required e-mailing the question or request. Only 16% received a response within an hour, while 23% received no response at all.

Over half the consumers surveyed indicated satisfaction with customer service. Some 45% said the Web sites they used provided online customer service, while 47% said that telephone customer service was available as well.

Data was gathered from 692 “actual shopping experiences” in August and September 1999. The transactions were split almost evenly between men and women, with 51% being between the ages of 35 and 54. Almost three out of four have college degrees, and three out of five have annual household incomes of over $50,000. Close to 40% claim to shop online at least once a month., a consumer-member market research group, is based in Burlington, MA.