Desjardins General Insurance Group, a large property and casualty insurance company based in Quebec, will launch a multi-channel marketing campaign this spring to expand into the Canadian province of Ontario.
The will offer home and auto insurance to Ontario residents through its Certas Direct Insurance Co. division. The company said its research and planning to enter the province has been under way for some time.
“We believe there is a significant opportunity for true direct provider because Ontario is far behind the U.S. and Europe, and even Quebec in the penetration rate of direct insurance,” said Jean-Francois Chalifoux, DGI’s general manager, in a statement.
The campaign in English will include direct response television and radio spots, Web site banner advertising, search engine marketing promotions and a direct mail component.
Promotions will emphasize the availability of insurance without paying any commissions to agents. The campaign’s tagline is “insurance improved.”
Additional French-language print advertising will be placed in weekly newspapers to target Ontario’s French-speaking residents.