Purchase, NY-based Pepsi-Cola Co. last week rolled out the latest flight of its now evergreen PepsiStuff campaign, which last year successfully added a “dot-com” to its name by adding Yahoo as a partner and online redemption as the primary strategy.

Some 1.1 billion 20-ounce and one-liter bottles and fountain cups of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi ONE, Mountain Dew, Diet Dew, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Mug Root Beer, and Orange Slice carry gamepieces with codes shoppers enter at – and, new this year – to see what they’ve won.

After registering at one of the sites, participants are presented with a list of partners such as Sony, Sam Goody, and Vans from whom they can request more information. They then enter codes and can begin redeeming points for such awards as gift certificates, videogame discounts from Electronics Arts, downloadable books from campaign partner Yahoo, Pepsi-branded merchandise, consumer-electronics from J&R, luggage from, and music from Sam Goody. There are also secondary sweepstakes consumers can enter to win Sony PlayStation 2 game systems and home movies, JVC and Toshiba electronics, and other goods and services on the sites. Some of the on-pack gamepieces also feature instant-win prizes of free soda.

Dallas-based TLP, Inc.’s Wilton, CT, office and Tribal DDB, New York City, handle. The campaign runs through January 31.