Pay-Per-Call to increase at Declining Rate, Survey Says

The total revenue for the pay-per-call market in 1998 was $1.6 billion, according to a new Frost & Sullivan report, “North American 900/976 Service Markets.” Revenue is forecast to increase at a declining rate due to market maturation.

“The growing trend toward outsourcing pay-per-call services to service bureaus is expected to continue, diminishing telecommunications carriers’ share of market revenues,” Frost & Sullivan telecommunications industry analyst Donna Pusey said in a statement.

Slowed growth has convinced an increasing number of service providers to discontinue their 976 services and migrate to the more lucrative and nationally available 900 number services in an attempt to capture a larger customer base. The use of 900 numbers for such purposes as opinion polling, market surveys and providing access to government information presents great opportunities for growth, Frost & Sullivan said.