803 results for: pop-up

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Email – Then and Now

Six years ago, I was sitting in a hallway in a makeshift cube, trying to wrap my head around the business of Internet advertising. I joined this space the way many people do, as a media buyer. As I was “buying” on a CPC basis in a...

Can We Shop Early?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

WELCOME BACK TO part two of the Pushing the Envelope 2005 holiday catalog postmortem, or How to Fill White Space and Shop at the Same Time. Last issue,

Walgreens’ Fine Point

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Walgreens’ new P-O-P monitoring program is a milestone in improving the performance of retail displays, but there will be bumps in the road before other retailers and manufacturers benefit.

Online Retail Sales: Online Loyalty Equals Retail Gold

As an employee of an online advertising agency, I’ve got a sweet vantage for observing the latest online retail numbers tumble in - and they’re spectacular. Third Quarter online retail sales were up almost 27% from the same period...

PROMO Online

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Build awareness, generate leads and reach high-level promotion marketers searching for information and suppliers online. PROMO's targeted online opportunities connect you with key decision makers: Enewsletters Xtra This must-read enewsletter from the ...

Washington AG, Microsoft Sue Under Spam, Spyware Laws

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The Washington attorney general and Microsoft are suing a New York-based business and three of its affiliates alleging they used spam and pop-up advertisements appearing to be from Microsoft to deceive computer users into buying so-called Spyware Cleaner that didn't work.

How Search Engines Have Changed Public Relations

When it comes to Public Relations, the driving philosophy that underlies even the most minute aspect of a campaign is that perception equals reality. This is as true as ever in the Interactive Age because anyone with Internet access has the ability to...

Blinkx.tv Wants to Be Your Remote Control for the Web

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Mixed blessing, double-edged sword, backhanded compliment… whatever metaphor you choose, having Google take an interest in your vertical space is not an unalloyed boon. On the one hand, it’s a confirmation that your space is officially hot. On the other, it’s a signal that you can’t slow down, and in fact you’d better have some…

Street Smart

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

We asked a few event marketing agency execs to talk about their techie wish lists and their picks for the year's best work.

What Do I Do For A Living?

Reunions of any sort follow the same template. People who have lost touch ask the same questions. Of the top three asked, the one that I have recently had to answer the most was “what do you do?” And with that, I confidently reply “I work for...

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  • Profiles & Campaigns (71)
  • Data Driven ROI (49)
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  • Experiential Marketing (31)
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  • Sweepstakes (21)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (444)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (87)
  • Patty Odell (68)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (34)
  • Tony Campana (18)
  • Tim Parry (7)
  • Brian Quinton (6)
  • Richard H. Levey (6)
  • Chief Marketer (6)
  • Evan Vladem (3)
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